
This is a list of books relating to Reading and its surrounding area. This list is not expected to be exhaustive but is as complete as we can make it. If you know of any book, new or old, that is not on the list, which you think should be included, please email At the bottom of the page are listed websites that may give more information on Reading.

Author, Title, Publisher if known, date of publication*
Ainsworth, S, O’Neill, B & Mitchell, A, Nostalgic Reading, True North Books, 2012 
Alexander, Alan, Borough Government and Politics. Reading 1835-1985, 1985 
Alfred Sutton Primary School, Alfred Sutton Primary School: Memories of One Hundred Years, 2002 
Allen, J R L, Kerbside Geology in Reading, Berkshire: aspects of historical archaeology in the expanding town c.1840-1914, Archaeopress, 2015 
Allon, Henry, Memoirs of the Rev. James Sherman, 1864 
Allsopp, Terry, Caught on Camera, Reading in the 70s, Two Rivers, 2015. 
Allsopp, Terry, Newtown, A Photographic Journey in Reading 1974, Two Rivers, 2012. 
Amos, Katie and Cooper, Mike, Coley and Coley Park, An Historical Introduction,  undated c. 2018 
Amos, Katie, The Mansion House: its History and its Occupants, Scallop Shell, 2016 
Amos, Katie, The Timms Family of Reading and London: artists, photographers, designers and craftsmen, Scallop Shell, 2014 
Amyce, Roger.  Survey of the Borough of Reading, 1552.  (Original in The National Archives, Misc. Bks. Land Rev. Vol. 187, ff.314-47; copy at Reading Central Library) 
Andrew, Martin, Francis Frith’s Around Reading, Frith Book Company, 2000 
Andrews, Martin, Fox Talbot & the Reading Establishment, Two Rivers, 2014 
Andrews, Martin, Life and Work of Robert Gibbings, Primrose Hill, 2003 
Anon, Reading from God’s Perspective, Tilehurst Free Church, 1997 [religious history of Reading] 
Anon, Reading Seventy Years Ago: a record of Events from 1813 to 1819, Reading, 1887 
Arnold, H. Godwin & Gold, Sidney, Morris of Reading, A Family of Architects, Ancient Monuments Society, 1989.*
Arnold, H. Godwin, Victorian Architecture in Reading, Reading Civic Society, 1976 
Arts Asia Team, In India’s Image, Reading Museum, 2018 
Aspinall et al, A., Parliament through Seven Centuries: Reading and its MPs, 1962 
Ayres, May & Saunders, Keith, As Stupid as Oxen, A history of the Reading and Silchester Methodist Circuit, 1988 
B., J. R., An Account of the Manor of Tylehurst, 1834 
Babbage, Terry, Tylehurst Described, an historical account, Reading Libraries, 1976 
Bamford, R & Stallworthy, D, A History of Reading Speedway: in celebration of 25 Years at Smallmead, R. Bamford, 2000. 
Barnes-Philips, Daphne, Hands of Friendship: The Story of Reading’s Twinning Links, Corridor, 2003 
Barnes-Philips, Daphne, Long may Our Lion Roar 140 years of Kendrick School, Corridor, 2017 
Barnes-Philips, Daphne, So Many Hearts Make a School: the Centenary of the George Palmer Schools, Reading, Corridor, 2007 
Barnes-Philips, Daphne, The Top of Whitley, Corridor, 2002. [later revised, 2013] 
Barnes-Philips, Daphne, This is Our School Reading British School 1811-2011, Corridor, 2011 
Bassett, John, A Brief History of The Reading British School, KIND, 2000 
Baxter, Ron, The Royal Abbey of Reading, Boydell, 2016 
Beardmore, Alan, Samuel Elliott & Sons, 2006 [also Supplement, 2008] 
Belford, Barbara, Oscar Wilde, A Certain Genius, Bloomsbury, 2000 
Berkshire County Council, Industrial Berkshire, C. 1996 
Berkshire County Council, Mediaeval Berkshire, C. 1997 
Berkshire Family History Association, Monumental Inscriptions of Reading Cemetery 1843-1995, BFHS, 1995 
Berkshire Local History Association, Berkshire Old and New, annual publication [see also individual authors of Reading-specific articles, ref. BON]*
Bilton, David, Reading in the Great War 1914 – 1916, Pen and Sword Books, 2016 
Bilton, David, Reading in the Great War 1917-19, Pen and Sword Books, 2016 
Bishop, Martin, Bats, Balls and Biscuits, A Brief History of Cricket at the Reading Biscuit Factory, undated, post-2007 
Bowcock, P, & Marr, P (eds), The Organ in Reading Town Hall, Berkshire Organists Assoc., 2000 
British Trolleybus Society, Poles Down, 50th Anniversary of Reading Trolleybus System Closure, Reading Museum, 2018 
Brod, Manfred, The Case of Reading. Urban Governance in Troubled Times 1640-90, Upfront, 2006 
Brooks, Agnes, Malvern House School Addington Road Reading, 2013 
Brown, Jonathan, Barrett, Exall and Andrewes: the Reading Iron Works: the firm and its products, Road Locomotive Society, 2010 
Brugge, Roger, and Burt, Steve, One Hundred Years of Reading Weather, UR, 2015 
Buckley, Angela, Amelia Dyer and the Baby Farm Murders, Manor Vale, 2016 
Butts, Dennis, From the Abbey to the Office, Reading and its writers, Two Rivers, 2008 
Calista, Sister, From Acorn to Oak 1909-1959: The History of St Joseph’s Convent, Broadoak, 1959 
Carus, W., Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. Charles Simeon, M.A., Hatchard, 1847 
Casey, Molly, The Story of Hemdean House, Hemdean House School, Caversham, 1984 
Caversham Court, Friends of, Caversham Court gardens: A heritage Guide, 2012 
Caversham Hill Chapel, Caversham Hill Chapel A Brief History 1827-1977, c. 1977 
Cecil, Rev. Richard, Memoir of the Rev. William Bromley Cadogan, 1798 
Cennick, John, ed. Watson, Graeme, Celestial Anthems, Culver, 2001. [includes life of Reading-born hymn-writer] 
Childs, Prof. W M, The Story of the Town of Reading, Reading, 1905 
Childs, Prof. W M, The Town of Reading during the Early Part of the Nineteenth Century, Reading, 1910 
Clapson, Mark, A Working Class Suburb: social change on an English council  estate [Whitley, Reading] 1930-2010, Manchester UP, 2011 
Clark, Gillian (ed), Correspondence of the Foundling Hospital Inspectors in Berkshire, Berkshire Record Society, 1994 
Clark, Gillian, Down by the River, Two Rivers, 2009 
Cliffe, David, Picture Palace to Penny Plunge, Two Rivers, 2017*
Cliffe, David, Praise in the Heights, The Centenary History of Caversham Heights Methodist Church, 2009*
Cliffe, David, Roots and Branches, the Centenary History of Battle and Caversham Libraries, Two Rivers, 2007*
Cliffe, David, The Reading Natural History Society and its Records, BON 32, 2015*
Cliffe, David, The Stranger in Reading, Reading Libraries, 1978 & 1980*
Clifford, Sue (ed), Berkshire Schools in the Eighteenth Century, Berkshire Record Society, 2019 
Coates, Alan, English Mediaeval Books: the Reading Abbey Collections from Foundation to Dispersal, OUP. 1999 
Coates, Rev. Charles, The History and Antiquities of Reading, 1802 
Colborne, George, Memoirs of the Rev W Legg, BA, 1871 
Coley Local History Group, More Talking of Old Coley, Reading, 1991 
Coley Local History Group, Talking of Old Coley, Reading, 1990 
Cooper, John James, Some Worthies of Reading, Swarthmore, 1923 
Cooper, Mike & Bond, Janet, A Hamlet called “Harmour”: the story of Armour Road, Armour Road History Group, 2001. [Revised 2013 for Reading Libraries with new subtitle] 
Cooper, Mike & Parkes, Ray, Reading’s International Brigades Memorial, Reading International Brigades Memorial Trust, 2017 
Cooper, Mike & Parkes, Ray, We Cannot Park on both Sides, Reading International Brigades Memorial Committee, 2000 
Cooper, Mike, Early Closing Day. Air raids on Reading 1939-1945, Scallop Shell, 2016 
Cooper, Mike, Southcote: An Historical Introduction, 2016 
Cooper, Mike, Tilehurst: An Historical Introduction, 2016 
Corley, T. A. B., Huntley & Palmers of Reading 1822-1972, 1972 
Corley, Tony, A Small Berkshire Enterprise: J. Dymore Brown & Son, Berkshire Archaeological Journal, 1978 
Corley, Tony, revised Simonds, Raymond, H. & G. Simonds Ltd., Reading, 2009 
Cowslade, Ellenor, ed. Mullaney, L, The Cowslade Manuscript: an eye witness account of the return of Catholicism to Reading, Scallop Shell, 2012 
Cox, Gordon, Adult Singing Schools in Berkshire, BON 15, 1998*
Cox, Gordon, Music in Nineteenth-Century Reading: A Family History, 2020*
Cox, Mike, Waterloo Sunset, Katesgrove Community Book Project, 1999 
Cram, Leslie, Reading Abbey, 1988 
Crisp, Derek, The History of Christ Church CE Primary School Reading 1868-2000, 2000 
Croft, Alan, There’s Always Risk in Movement: Tales from old Reading, Xlibris, 2018 
Crooks, Tim/ Reading Museum, Bikes, Balls and Biscuitmen, Two Rivers, 2012 
Cusden, Phoebe, Coley – portrait of an urban village, Reading WEA, 1977 
Darter, William, Memoirs of an Octogenarian, 1889. [Also available in abbreviated version ed. Phillips, Daphne q.v., 1985.] 
Davis, C. A., History of the Baptist Church in Reading, 1891 
Dearing John, Beautiful the Landscape, SMCS, 2007*
Dearing John, St Mary’s Castle Street, A Brief and Architectural Guide, SMCS, 2001*
Dearing, John, Cliffe, David & Williams, Evelyn, Abbot Cook to Zero Degrees: An A to Z of Reading’s Pubs and Breweries, History of Reading Society, 2021*
Dearing, John, Dictionary of Berkshire Brewers, privately published, 2013*
Dearing, John, John Wesley came to Reading, SMCS, 2003*
Dearing, John, Reading Pubs, History Press, 2009*
Dearing, John, Sent from Reading, Reading’s Part in Overseas Missions 1790-1950, 2021*
Dearing, John, Some Hymn-writers connected with Reading, SMCS, 2004*
Dearing, John, The Church that would Not Die, Baron Birch, 1993*
Dearing, John, The Parson as Sleuth: William Talbot and Jonathan Britain, BON 16, 1999*
Defoe, Daniel, Tour through the Whole Island of Britain, Penguin English Library, 1971 
Deloney, Thomas, Jacke of Newburie and Thomas of Reading in Shorter Elizabethan Novels, Everyman, 1929 
Diary of the Corporation, 1654-1688.  Transcription by J. H. Sacret, at Reading Central Library.  Original documents in Berkshire Record Office, catalogued as Minutes of the Unreformed Corporation 
Dickens, Charles (junior), Dictionary of the Thames, 1892*
Dils, Joan (ed), Reading St Laurence’s Churchwarden Accounts, 1498-1570. 2 vols. Berkshire Record Society, 2013*
Dils, Joan (ed), Reading Turnpikes.*
Dils, Joan and Yates, Margaret, An Historical Atlas of Berkshire, Berkshire Record Society, 2012 [Second edition].*
Dils, Joan, A Suburban Trio: Earley, Tilehurst and Caversham 1851-1911, BON 17, 2000*
Dils, Joan, ed., Reading St Laurence Churchwardens’ Accounts, 1498-1570, Berkshire Record Society, 2013*
Dils, Joan, Reading A History, Carnegie, 2019*
Directories, various. Billings, Kelly, Macaulay, Pigot, Post Office, Robson, Slater etc. 
Ditchfield, P H, Reading Seventy Years Ago Reading 1887 
Ditchfield, Revd. P H, An Ecclesiastical History of Reading, Blackwell, 1883 
Dix, Frank, Royal River Highway, David & Charles, 1985 
Doran, John, History and Antiquities of the Town and Borough of Reading, Samuel Reader, 1835 
Dormer, Ernest (ed.), Royal Berkshire Hospital, 1837-1937, Poynder, 1937 
Dormer, Ernest W, Gray of Reading, 1923 
Dormer, Ernest W, The Parish & Church of St Peter, Earley, C Nicholls & Co Ltd, 1944 
Downs, David, and Edwards, Leigh, The Definitive Reading F.C.: a Statistical History to 1998, Tony Brown, 1998. 
Downs, David, Reading Football Club 1871 – 1997, The Chalford Publishing Company, 1997 
Durrant, Peter, and Painter, John, Reading Abbey and the Abbey Quarter, Two Rivers, 2018 
Earley Local History Group, Earley Days: an illustrated account of our community’s development, ELHG, 2000 
Earley Local History Group, Earley Memories: A century of change, ELHG, 2004 
Earley Local History Group, Suttons Seeds A History 1806-2006, ELHG, 2006 
Egby, Henry, Edgar and Other Poems selected from Rhymes and Romances of Reading Abbey, Bradley, 1922 
Emmer Green Residents Association, Emmer Green Past and Present, EGRA, 2001 
English Martyrs Parish History Group, A Red Brick Church in a Red Brick Town: Celebrating 75 Years of the Church of the English Martyrs, 2002 
Field, Marion, Historic England – Reading, Amberley, 2018 
Figgis, Darrell, A Chronicle of Jails, Talbot Press, 1918 [by Irishman interned in Reading Gaol] 
Ford, Ben & others, Under the Oracle. Excavations at the Oracle Shopping Centre site 1996-8, Oxford Archaeology, 2013 
Fostekew, Jean, Blossom, A biography of Mrs F.G. Miles, The Book Factory, 1998 
Fox, Norman, Berkshire to Botany Bay, Littlefield Publishing, 1995 
Francis, Dick, The Sport of Queens, Pan Books, 1974 
Friends of Caversham Court Gardens, Caversham Court Gardens, A Heritage Guide, Two Rivers, 2012 
Fulford, Ben, Effect of the Great Awakening on Reading¸ BON 15, 1998 
Fulford, Michael, Silchester Revealed, The Iron Age and Roman Town of Calleva, Windgather, 2021 
Fulford, Michael, Silchester Roman Town, English Heritage Guidebook, English Heritage, 2016 
Fuller, Jack, Huntley and Palmers, beyond cake and biscuits, 2019 
Games, Gwilym, Boats, Biscuits and a Ballad: Oscar Wilde in the Thames Valley, BON 18, 2001 
Giles, A. K., From “Cow College” to Life Sciences: a Chronicle in celebration of seventy-five years od UR’s Agricultural Faculty, UR, 2000 
Gold, Sidney, A Biographical Dictionary of Architects at Reading.  Reading: the author, 1999*
Gold, Sidney, John Rowell A Study, Ranelagh, 1965 [Reading-based stained glass artist]*
Goodley, Kenneth R., Berkshire Breweries of the Nineteenth Century, 1975 
Goodson, Peter, H & G Simonds Limited, Summary of Mergers and Acquisitions, 2009.  
Griffin, Sara, Encounters with Angels, The Life of John Pordage, Stuart Press, 1996 
Griffin, Sarah, The Siege of Reading April 1643, 1996 
Guilding, J. M. (ed), Records of the Borough of Reading, 1431-1654 (4 vols), London: James Parker, 1892-1896 
Hadland, Tony, Thames Valley Papists, Hadland, 1992 
Hall, David, Reading Trolleybuses, Middleton, 1997 
Halstead, Jenny and Fulford, Michael, Silchester Life on the Dig, Two Rivers Press, 2015 
Handscomb, Sue, This Was Tilehurst, 1998 
Handscomb, Sue, Tilehurst, 1995 
Hanly, Sister Mary Margaret, A Hundred Years A Growing: Sisters of St Marie Madeleine Postel, St Joseph’s Convent, 1994 
Hardman & Barbara Morris, Philip, Sumer is icumen in, 2006 
Harman, Revd. Leslie, Christianity in Reading, Crown Press, Reading, 1952 
Harman, Revd. Leslie, History of St Giles-in-Reading, St Giles, Reading, 1946 
Harris, Ron, The Evacuee, The Life and Times of a Young Evacuee during World War II, Spotlight, 1996*
Harte, Jeremy, Reading Lore, 2018 
Hill, Harold, Images of Reading: and Surrounding Villages, Breedon Books, 1995 
Hill, Harold, Reading: Our Town 1950-2002, Breedon Books, 2001 
Hinton, Michael, A History of the Town of Reading, 1954 
History of Reading Society, 2016 Calendar [photographs by Norman Wicks]*
History of Reading Society, 2017 Calendar Old Reading Firms [images from the Central Library’s Collection]*
History of Reading Society, Dearing, John (ed), The Reading Book of Days, History Press, 2013*
History of Reading Society, Newsletter, published 2 or 3 times per year [digital copies available from 2002]*
History of Reading Society, Old Reading Pubs Calendar, 2020*
History of Reading Society, Riverside Reading Calendar 2018*
History of Tilehurst Group, More of the Tilehurst we Remember. Reading, 1999 
History of Tilehurst Group, More Tilehurst Memories, Reading 2007 
History of Tilehurst Group, The Tilehurst we Remember: Personal Reminiscences. Reading, 1997 
Hobson, Wendy, Newtown Reading – The inside story, Reading, 1995 
Hole, Rev. Charles, The life of the Reverend and Venerable William Whitmarsh Phelps, 1871 
Horrocks, S H, Reading Town Guide, Reading Corporation, 1968 
Humphreys, A.L., Caversham Bridge 1231 – 1926, 1926 
Humphreys, A.L., The Streets and Street-Lore of Reading, 1926 
Hunter , Judith & Rip, The Press Gang in Reading during the Seven Years’ War, BON 20, 2003 
Hunter , Judith, A History of Berkshire, Phillimore, 1995 
Hurry, Jamieson B, Reading Abbey, 1901 
Hurry, Jamieson B., A History of the Reading Pathological Society, 1909 
Hurry, Jamieson B., In Honour of Hugh de Boves and Hugh Cook Faringdon, First and Last Abbots of Reading, 1911 
Hurry, Jamieson B., King Henry Beauclerc and Reading Abbey, 1917 
Hurry, Jamieson B., Sumer is icumen in, 1913 
Hurry, Jamieson B., The Marriage of John of Gaunt and Blanche of Lancaster at Reading Abbey, 1914 
Hurry, Jamieson B., The Octocentenary of Reading Abbey, 1921 
Hurry, Jamieson B., The Rise and Fall of Reading Abbey, 1906 
Hurry, Jamieson B., The Trial by Combat of Henry de Essex and Robert de Montford, 1919 
Hyde, H Montgomery, Lord Reading: The Life of Rufus Isaacs, First Marquess of Reading, Heinemann, 1967 
Hylton, Stuart, A History of Reading, Phillimore, 2007 
Hylton, Stuart, A to Z of Reading Places People History, Amberley, 2017 
Hylton, Stuart, Reading 1800 to the Present Day, Amberley, 2015 
Hylton, Stuart, Reading A Pictorial History, 1994 
Hylton, Stuart, Reading at War, Sutton Publishing, 1996 
Hylton, Stuart, Reading in 50 Buildings, Amberley, 2016 
Hylton, Stuart, Reading Past and Present, Sutton Publishing, 2000 
Hylton, Stuart, Reading Places, Reading People, Berkshire Books, 1992 
Hylton, Stuart, Reading Then & Now, 2011 
Hylton, Stuart, Reading Then and Now, The History Press, 2011 
Hylton, Stuart, ReadinG: The Fifties, Sutton Publishing, 1997 
Jacobs Bakery, 1841-1991 Reading’s past takes the biscuit, 1941 
Jerrome, Keith, Labour in ‘Biscuit Town’, the growth of a social movement to 1945, 2001 (unpublished UR dissertation]*
Johnson, Stewart, Reading to Barbados and Back: the Tudor family of Haynes of Reading, Book Guild, 2011.  
Jones, Dudley, Caversham Lawn Tennis Club, A History, the First 100 Years, 2020 (?) 
Keep, Tony, “I remember When” Policing in the Thames Valley – then and now, 2012 
Kemp Ed., Brian, Reading Abbey Cartularies Volume 1, 1986 
Kemp Ed., Brian, Reading Abbey Cartularies Volume 2, 1987 
Kemp, Brian (ed), Reading Abbey Cartularies, Royal Historical Society, 1987 
Kemp, Brian (ed), Reading Abbey Records, a new miscellany, Berkshire Record Society, 2018 
Kerry, Rev. Charles, The Municipal Church of St Lawrence, Reading. 1883 
Kidd-Hewitt, Berkshire Tales of Mystery & Murder, Countryside Books, 2004 [incl. The Reading Poltergeist and the Philip Yale Drew case.] 
Kift, Mary, Life in Old Caversham, 1980. [Later edition, 2004, and also from Two Rivers.] 
Kift, Mary, Look back at Caversham, 1983 
Kingsley Organisation,  , Tilehurst at the New Millennium, 2000 
Kruschwitz, Peter, The Writing on the Wall, Reading’s Latin Inscriptions, Two Rivers Press, 2015 
Lacey, Paul, A History of the Thames Valley Traction Company Limited, 1920-30, 1995 
Lacey, Paul, A History of the Thames Valley Traction Company Limited, 1931-45, 2003 
Lacey, Paul, A History of the Thames Valley Traction Company Limited, 1946-60, 2009 
Lacey, Paul, Smith’s Coaches of Reading 1922 to 1979, 2018 
Lacey, Paul, Thackray’s Way, A Family in Road Transport, Wokingham, 2001 
Lacey, Paul, Thames Valley, The British Years, 1915-20, 1990 
Langham, Colin (ed), The Berkshire Pub Guide, CAMRA, 1999*
Leach, James, A specimen of the honour, patriotism, integrity, consistency & justice of the blues of Reading, exemplified in a narrative of their conduct towards James Leach, late landlord of the Four Horseshoes, at Whitley, London, 1827 
Lee, Robert (ed. Harry Leonard), Diaries and Correspondence of Robert Lee of Binfield 1736-1744, Berkshire Record Society, 2012. [Lee was a frequent visitor to Reading] 
Legg, W, Memorials of Broad Street Chapel, Reading, 1851 
Lloyd, Frances, Woodley in the Nineteenth Century, Berkshire books, 1990 
Long, Roger, Ancient Berkshire Inns and their Stories, TWM Publishing, 1996 
Long, Roger, Final Commitment, An Anthology of Murder in Old Berkshire, Alan Sutton, 1994 
Macey, Thomas, Jackson’s: E. Jackson & Sons Ltd, Reading, 2011 
Mackarill, Diana, Early Nineteenth-century Printers in Reading, BON 25, 2008*
Mackarill, Diana, The Snares of Minster Street: the printer and the picture, Reading, 2007*
Mackay, Duncan, Reading The Place of the People of the Red One, 2016 
Mahood, Harriet, Cluniac Reading and Paisley, BON 30, 2014 
Man, John (ed. Adam Sowan), The Stranger in Reading, Two Rivers, 2005 [originally 1810]*
Man, John, The History and Antiquities of Reading, 1815 
Markham, Sarah, John Loveday of Caversham, Michael Russell, 1984 
Marks, Richard, The Arrival of the Railways in the Berkshire town of Reading 1840-90, 2015  [OU dissertation self-published.] 
Marr, Peter, Reading Psalm and Hymn Book collections in the early 19th century. Uncertain date 
Mason, Paul, Memorial Tablet: Marlborough House and the First World War, Crosfields School, 2021 
McCormick, Ann, Irish in nineteenth century Reading, BON 27, 2010 
MERL, The Museum of English Rural Life [Guide], 1979 
Miller, Ian, Patye v Griffyn – a written curse in Reading 1626?, BON 36, 2019 
Mitford, Mary Russell, Belford Regis, 1835 
Morley, Edith, ed. Morris, Barbara, Before and After: reminiscences of a working life, Two Rivers, 2016 
Mullaney, John and Lyndsay, Catholic Reading, A Pilgrimage Trail,Scallop Shell, 2013 
Mullaney, John and Lyndsay, Reformation, Revolution and Rebirth,Scallop Shell, 2012 
Mullaney, John, A Tale of Two Towns: Calleva and Reading, 2020 
Mullaney, John, Reading’s Abbey Quarter, Scallop Shell, 2014 
Mullaney, John, The Reading Abbey Stone, Scallop Shell, 2016 
Mullaney, Lyndsay, Henry I and his Abbey,Scallop Shell, 2020 
n.k., South Street Labour Exchange, Two Rivers, 2011 
Naxton, Michael, The History of Reading School, 1986 
Newton, Bill [?], Carey Baptist Church 1867-2006, Reading, 2006 
Nixon, John, The Gentlemen Danes, the Untold Story of Danish and Norwegian Prisoners on Parole in Reading, 2021 
North, Leslie, Royal Reading’s Colourful Past, 1979 
Oakes, J. and Parsons, M, Men such as These, DSM, 2003. [Biographies of famous old boys of Reading School, notably Roy Boulting.] 
Oakes, J. and Parsons, M, Old School Ties: educating for empire and war, DSM, 2001 
Oakes, J. and Parsons, M, Reading School – The First 800 Years, Oakleaf Publications, 2005 
Ounsley, Margaret, Coley Talking: Realities of Life in Old Reading, Two Rivers, 2021 [update of two earlier Talking of Coley books] 
Ounsley, Margaret, Vestrymen and Paupers: the struggle to manage the poor in St Mary’s Parish, Reading, BON 37, 2020 
Over, Luke, The Parish Church of St Peter, Caversham, 2015 [original ed. 1990] 
Padley, Fred, A Village in the Town, Reading WEA, 1983 
Park United Reformed Church, 1908-2008: 100 Years of Christian Service, 2000 
Parker, David, Berkshire Churches, Francis Frith Book Co.. 2000 
Partington, John S., Reading Labour 100, The Centenary of the Reading Labour Party 1918-2018, Reading TUC, 2019 
Payne, Ernest, Baptists of Berkshire, Carey Kingsgate, 1951 
Pearman, Morgan Thomas, Historical Notices of Caversham, Oxfordshire Archaeological Society, 1894 
Petyt, M (ed), The Growth of Reading, Alan Sutton, 1993 
Philips, Daphne, Inns of Reading, Reading Libraries, 1974 
Philips, Daphne, Reading Old and New, Countryside Books, 1986 
Philips, Daphne, Reading Past and Present, Countryside Books, 1982 
Philips, Daphne, Reading Theatres, Cinemas and Other Entertainments, Reading Libraries, 1978 
Philips, Daphne, Story of Reading, Countryside Books, 1980 [updated edition 2004] 
Phillips, Daphne, Reminiscences of Reading, by an Octogenarian, Countryside Books, 1985 
Piller, Caroline, The Life and Times of Oliver Dixon, A Reading Horseman Remembered, Vikenzo Books, 2020*
Pudney, John, Draught of Contentment, New English Library, 1971 
Pugh, Ronald and Margaret (ed), The Diocese Books of Samuel Wilberforce, Berkshire and Oxford Record Societies, 2008 
Quelch, Lorenzo, An Old Fashioned Socialist: An Autobiography, Lorenzo Quelch Memorial Group, 1992 
Railton, Margaret & Barr, Marshall, Battle Workhouse and Hospital 1867-2005, Berkshire Medical Heritage Centre, 2005. 
Railton, Margaret and Barr, Marshall, The Royal Berkshire Hospital 1839 – 1989, Royal Berkshire Hospital, 1989 
Railton, Margaret, Early Medical Services Berkshire and South Oxfordshire from 1740, Polmood Publications, 1994 
Rattle, Alison and Vale, Allison, Amelia Dyer Angel Maker: The Woman who murdered babies for money, Andre Deutsch, 2007   
Read, Mike, Caversham Park and its People BC to BBC, Woodfield Publishing, 2015 
Read, Sue, Reading in the News, Alan Sutton, 1998 
Reading Chinese Association, From Reading to China: stories of Chinese immigrants. 2015 
Reading Education Committee, Reading Technical College, Reading Education Committee, 1955 
Reading Evening Post, Souvenir Edition, 2009 [last evening edition] 
Reading Libraries, Reading Churches [undated pamphlet] 
Reading TU Club, Souvenir Brochure on the opening of the new Reading Trades Union & Working Men’s Club, 1985 
Red Rag Collective, Reading Between the Lines 1984-5, Reading, 1983 
Redding 1540-1640. Foreword by Joan Dils. Reading, 1980 
Redlands Local History Group, Old Redlands, Reading, 1990 
Register of Licences Granted in the Borough of Reading, 1889.  Reading: Blagrave St. Steam Printing Works, 1889 
Richards, Dave, Global Reading: Reading in the world 7th-21st centuries, 2000 [obscure but looks as if RISC related] 
Robertson, Kevin, Steam around Reading, History Press, 2009 
Rogers, Guy, A Rebel at Heart, The Autobiography of a Nonconforming Churchman, Longmans, Green, 1956 [Vicar of St John’s, Reading] 
Rooke, Patrick, Bulmershe, the Life of a College 1964-89, University of Reading 1992 
Sampson (Ed), Catherine, Purley in Old Images, 2010 
Sawers, Geoff, Broad Street Chapel and the Origins of Dissent in Reading, Two Rivers, 1996, [2nd edition 2012] 
Scott, Valerie & McLaughlin, Eve, County Maps & Histories: Berkshire, Quiller Press, 1984 
Searing, Roger, Down Memory Lane –  Reading Between the Wars, Countryside Books, 1985 
Sedunary, Alan, Heaven on Earth, the Official History of Reading Football Club, Yore Publications, 2003 
Sherborn, Derek, Houses of Architectural Interest in Reading, 1958 (unpublished ms) 
Shires, Ann, In and Around Tilehurst, Drinking Fountains and Cattle Troughs, Tilehurst Globe, 2015 
Simmonds, Elizabeth, The Woodley Album, Coles and Sons Publishers Ltd, 1985 
Simonds Ltd, H & G, A Guide to Berkshire and Adjacent Counties, Reading, c.1928 
Simonds Ltd, H & G, Hop Leaf Gazette: the Monthly Journal of H. and G. Simonds Ltd.  Reading: H. and G. Simonds, 1926-1960. 
 Simpson, Rod (comp) Miles Aircraft- Archive Photographs, The Chalford Publishing Company,1998 
Sims, Jeremy, Thames Navigation Commission Minutes 1771-1790. 2 vols. Berkshire Record Society, 2008 
Skinner, Julia, Reading: A Miscellany, 2005 
Slade, Cecil (ed.). Reading Gild Accounts 1357-1516. 2 vols. Berkshire Record Society, 2006*
Slade, Cecil, The Town of Reading and its Abbey, MRM Publications, 2001*
Smart, James (ed.).  London St. Described: a Reading Historical Record.  Reading: London St. Research Group, 2007*
Smart, Patricia, Reading Cemetery: A Private Enterprise, BON 5, 1988*
Smart, Patricia, The Covered Market, forgotten archway and the Arcade at Reading, BON 28, 2011*
Smith, Ann (ed), A History of Woodley, Old Woosehill Press, 2001 
Smith, Ann, 100 Years of Shops in Reading, Reading Libraries, 2014 
Smith, Ann, Reading in the 70s, 2016 
Smith, Bernard, The Boathouse Corps: the Story of the Salvation Army in its first year in Reading, 2014 
Smith, Ray & Whitehead, John, Reading’s Municipal Transport 1939-1950, War and Austerity, Millane Publishing, 2014*
Smith, Sidney & Bott, Michael, One Hundred Years of University Education in Reading, A Pictorial History,  1892-1992, UR , 1992 
Smith, Tim & Williams, Lionel, The Royal Berkshire Medical Museum, undated 
Smyth, Canon C, Simeon and Church Order: A Study of the Origins of the Evangelical Revival in Cambridge in the Eighteenth Century (1940) 
Southerton, Peter, Reading Gaol by Reading Town, Berkshire Books, 1993*
Southerton, Peter, Reading in Old Photographs, Alan Sutton, 1988*
Southerton, Peter, Reading, Pocket Images, Nonsuch Publishing, 2007 [1st ed. 1992]*
Sowan, Adam, A Mark of Affection, The Sane Obelisk in Reading, Two Rivers, 2007 
Sowan, Adam, A Much-maligned Town, Opinions of Reading 1586-1997, Two Rivers, 1997. [2nd edition, 2008, covering 1126-2008]*
Sowan, Adam, A Quiet and Intimate Road: a History of New Road, Reading, Two Rivers, 2016*
Sowan, Adam, Abattoirs to Zinzan: Reading Streets and their Names, Two Rivers, 2000 & 2004*
Sowan, Adam, All Change at Reading, The Railway and the Station, 1840-2013, Two Rivers, 2013*
Sowan, Adam, Believing in Reading, Our Places of Worship, Two Rivers, 2012*
Sowan, Adam, Bricks and Brickwork in Reading, Two Rivers, 2020*
Sowan, Adam, Reading Quiz Book, Two Rivers, 2011*
Sowan, Adam, The Holy Brook or the Granators Tale, Two Rivers, 2003*
Spriggs, Gordon, History of the Church of Greyfriars, 1963 
Spring, Gordon, Casual Ramblings Concerning the Waterways of Reading etc., Reading, 1992 
Spurrier, Lisa, ed., Nonconformist Meeting Houses, Berkshire Record Society, 2005 
St Catherine’s Church, A History of St. Catherine’s Church, Tilehurst, 1998 
St Mary the Virgin, History of Reading Minster of St Mary the Virgin, c.2007 ? [undated leaflet] 
Stokes, Anthony, Pit of Shame, the Real Ballad of Reading Gaol, Waterside, 2007 
Stout, Adam, A Bigness of Heart, Phoebe Cusden of Reading, Reading-Dusseldorf Association, 1997 
Stout, Adam, risc: of books, stones, friends and visions, 1997 
Stout, Adam, The Story of Willie Wimmera, Two Rivers Press, 1995 
Stout, Adam, Where Two Rivers Meet: The story of Kennet Mouth, Two Rivers Press, 1994 
Stowell, Richard, From Regent to Reading: the story of Mary Smart 1832-1849, 2012 
Summers, Malcolm, Henry George Willink, 2017 
Summers, Malcolm, History of Greyfriars Church, Reading, Downs Way, 2013*
Summers, Malcolm, Reading’s Grey Friars, Downs Way, 2020*
Summers, Malcolm, Signs of the Times, Reading’s Memorials, Two Rivers, 2019*
Summers, W H, History of the Berkshire, South Bucks, and South Oxon Congregational Churches, Newbury, 1905 
Sutcliffe, Nigel, Reading, a horse-Racing Town, Two Rivers, 2010*
Sutherland, Sabina (ed), The Church Inspection Notebook of Archdeacon James Randall, Berkshire Record Society, 2015 
Tait, Liz, 1914-1918, War Graves in the Reading Cemetery, Reading Remembrance Trust, 2013 
Talbot, Daniel, The Scarlet Runners: A social History of Queen Anne’s, Caversham, Third Millennium, 2008 
Talbot, Rev. William, Narrative of His Proceedings relative to Jonathan Britain, 1772 
Temple, Julian C. Wings over Woodley, Aston Publications, 1987 
The History of Tilehurst Group, More of the Tilehurst we remember, The History of Tilehurst Group, 2001 
Thompson, Robin (ed), Official Guide to Reading, RBC, 1977 
Thorne, Marjie, From Good to Great: St Joseph’s College at 125, Scallop Shell Press, 2020 
Tilehurst Group, The History of, More Tilehurst Memories, 2007 
Tiller, Kate, ed., Berkshire Religious Census 1851, Berkshire Record Society, 2020 
Tiller, Kate, ed., Church and Chapel in Oxfordshire 1851, Oxfordshire Record Society, 1987 [includes Caversham] 
Trevor-Roper, Hugh, William Laud, Macmillan, 1940 
Trooper Potts Memorial Trust, Memorial to Trooper Frederick William Potts VC, 2015 [unveiling programme] 
True North Books, Memories of Reading, 2001 
True North Books, More Memories of Reading, 1999 
Tyack, G., Bradley, S. and Pevsner N., Buildings of England, Berkshire, Yale, 2010 
Van der Kiste, John, Berkshire Murders, History Press, 2010 
Van Went, Peter, Truth Conquers All: a History of Reading Blue Coat School, Shire, 2013 
Various authors, Bricks and Mortals – Stories of Reading Buildings. Corridor, 1994. 
Various authors, People, Places and Context, essays in local history in honour of Joan Dils, Berkshire Local History Association, 2015 
Vaughan, Philip, The Arthur Hill Memorial Baths 1911-2011, 2011*
Vaughan, Philip, The Avenue Story, Eastern Avenue and its People through Two centuries, 2010*
Viljoen, Ben, Lancelot Brown and the landscape of Caversham Park, Goosecroft, 2016 
Wellsteed, Geoff, Inside the Boundary: 26 First Class cricketers born within the Reading Town Boundary, 2015 
Westgarth, Ann, ed., Routes to Reading: stories of immigration, Reading Local History Trust, 2006
Wilde, Oscar, The Ballad of Reading Gaol, Two Rivers, 2004 
Williams, Evelyn, Philbrick’s Tannery in Katesgrove Lane, Reading, BON 34, 2017*
Williams, Evelyn, Reading Allotments, 2012*
Williams, Evelyn, Reading Brewery Heritage Walk, 2016*
Wood, Dennis, The Story of Whitley, Scallop Shell, 2017 
Wykes, Alan, Reading, a Biography, Macmillan, 1970 
Wykes, Alan, The Queen’s Peace: A history of Reading Borough Police Force, 1968 
Yeo, Stephen, Religion and Voluntary Organisations in Crisis, 1976 
* Books written by or containing material contributed by members of the History of Reading Society past and present.

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